Nobody counts the number
of commercial messages.
People remember the idea.

Touché is a Creative Unit, a lean and independent company in which a team of communication professionals, fuelled by sheer passion for creativity, work together each day on the ideas that will capture the attention of the people - that is, the final customer of every company.

We are a construction weapon.
Flexible but keen-edged, quick yet thoughtful, sharp-sighted when it comes to hitting the mark.

We carry out effective projects in partnership with our clients. We seek excellence just like you, because your success is our success.

We do what
every advertising agency
should do.

Touché creates ideas for companies who believe, like us, that a tailor-made message and a smart approach are the essential tools to convince users and achieve objectives. Touché creates “contents” and optimizes them for all specific “containers” in a framework of integrated communication.

  • ABOVE THE LINE / print, outdoor, radio, film
  • BELOW THE LINE / brochure, direct, pop materials
  • UNCONVENTIONAL / viral, guerrilla, ambient, street
  • IDENTITY / logo, naming, corporate ID
  • DIGITAL / website, app, e-commerce, mobile
  • WEB MARKETING / SEO, SEM, DEM, social, analytics
  • EXIBITION DESIGN / trade fairs and exhibitions, conventions
  • A Celli
  • Aiutare i bambini
  • Alliance Francaise
  • Alpe Cermis
  • ANT
  • Arbot Italia
  • Arkopharma
  • Armadio Verde
  • Belvedere
  • Campus
  • CBRE
  • Celtex
  • Cochlear
  • Cofimp
  • Conad
  • CPFA
  • Didam Network
  • Domus Divina
  • Durex
  • El Club del Vino Argentino
  • Elt
  • Eridania
  • Eurosia
  • Faraone
  • Gruppo Maccaferri
  • Halas
  • HANNspree
  • Hivejobs
  • Ikon Diamond
  • Il Bene
  • Il Giulia
  • Jack Daniel’s
  • L’Oragerie
  • Le Cupole
  • Le Vele Millennium
  • Le Vigne
  • Macchiavelli
  • Maserati
  • Meridiana
  • Mood
  • Netservice
  • New Millennium Tour
  • Nuovagiungas
  • Obiettivo Mutuo
  • Officine Maccaferri
  • Palletways
  • Panini
  • Parco Leonardo
  • Pinko
  • Porte di Moncalieri
  • Primavera
  • Puma Immobiliare
  • RCF
  • Sanjay Kaslywal
  • Segafredo
  • Sincron Inova
  • Sine Qua Non
  • SKY
  • Smap
  • Sosushi
  • Sosweet
  • TEDX
  • Terex Comedil
  • Tuv Nord
  • Vialarga
  • Vicolo Colombina
If nobody notices you,
nobody will ever know
what you have on offer.

Touché believes in Disruption Marketing, i.e. a communication strategy aimed at rocking the audience and catching their attention. Indeed, in the age of information overload in which we are living, messages get scattered and confused, and only if you get noticed you will have a chance to show the world what you have on offer.

Your public, your customers and their eyes have never been so distracted.
Research tells us that each one of us is exposed to 3,000 commercial messages every day.
Therefore, it is vital to break up the monotony with shattering, unexpected solutions.

You can endlessly repeat a message,
or make it unforgettable
from the very first time.

Touché uses a method called Co-participative communication, in which a message is conceived as if it were an equation that the receivers need to complete. The solution found will make them feel part of the message creation, thus triggering satisfaction, involvement and a solid brand memory.

Today’s public wants to be involved,
they want to be part of the communication and set up a dialogue with the Brand.

Powerful advertising seeks cooperation with its listeners
as this will actively engage their attention
as well as their intelligence.

download pdf Mediastars (2 second prizes, 1 Shortlist, 2 Special Stars)
  • 2nd Prize (section Outdoor) for the “Bologna” campaign, client: Vicolo Colombina.
  • 2nd Prize (section Press) for the “Eyes” campaign, self-promotion Touché
  • Short List (section Press) for the “Evasioni” campaign, client: Centro Meridiana.
  • Special Stars (Art direction) for the “Bologna” campaign, client: Vicolo Colombina.
  • Special Stars (Creative Direction) for the “Eyes” campaign, self-promotion Touché.

Talking about Touché:
  • Italian magazines (Flair, published by Mondadori - report on advertisement, also featured on the magazine cover)
  • Italian books (Young Blood - Annual book of award-winning Italian talents in the world - Published by Iron Editore)
  • International books (Creative Advertising an Introduction by M. Sorrentino - Published by Laurence King)
  • Trade magazines (Daily media, Pubblico Today, Pubblicità Italia, ADV express, Promotion magazine, Spot & Web, You Mark)
  • Direct interviews (Mediastars and Subvertising)
  • Italian and international websites selecting the best advertisements on the web
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download pdf Mediastars (1 second prize, 1 Shortlist)
  • 2nd Prize (section Outdoor) for the “NBA” campaign, client: Panini.
  • Special Stars (Art direction) for the “NBA” campaign, client: Panini.
  • Special Stars (Photo) for the “NBA” campaign, client: Panini.
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download pdf Mediastars (3 first prizes, 1 second prize, 3 Shortlists, 5 Special Stars)
  • 1st Prize (section Press) for the “Pescatore” campaign, client: Sosushi.
  • 1st Prize (section Magazines) for the “Pescatore” campaign, client: Sosushi.
  • 1st Prize (section Indoor) for the “Arco” campaign, client: Le Befane.
  • 2nd Prize (section Outdoor) for the “Arco” campaign, client: Le Befane.
  • Short List (section Press) for the “Circo” campaign, client: Faraone.
  • Short List (section Outdoor) for the “Delitto” campaign, client: Eridania.
  • Short List (section Radio) for the “Pepe” campaign, client: Panini.
  • Special Stars (Art direction) for the “Eschimese” campaign, client: Sosushi.
  • Special Stars (Art direction) for the “Circo” campaign, client: Faraone.
  • Special Stars (Copywriting) for the “Arco” campaign, client: Le Befane.
  • Special Stars (Art direction) for the “Delitto” campaign, client: Eridania.
  • Special Stars (Copywriting) for the “Pepe” campaign, client: Panini.
ADCI (1 Entry in their annual book)
  • Short List (section Press) for the “Sensi” campaign, client:
PAROLA D'IMPRESA (1 first prize)
  • 1st category prize to the advertising project for the “Circo” campaign, client: I.M.A. S.p.A. Prize delivered by Lorenzo Sassoli de Bianchi (UPA President) and Vincenzo Boccia (President of Confindustria Small Enterprise)
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download pdf Mediastars (2 first prizes, 1 second prize, 2 Shortlists, 5 Special Stars)
  • 1st Prize (section Indoor) for the “Rock” campaign, client: Jack Daniel’s.
  • 1st Prize (section Outdoor) for the “Rock” campaign, client: Jack Daniel’s.
  • 2nd Prize (section On-line Adv) for the “Magic Moment” campaign, client: Le Cupole.
  • Short List (section Radio) for the “Giudice” campaign, client: Panini.
  • Short List (section On-line Adv) for the “Toilette” campaign, client: Le Cupole.
  • Special Stars (Creative Direction) for the “Magic Moment” campaign, client: Le Cupole.
  • Special Stars (Concept design) for the “Toilette” campaign, client: Le Cupole.
  • Special Stars (Art direction) for the “Rock” campaign, client: Jack Daniel’s.
  • Special Stars (Radio Editing) for the “Giudice” campaign, client: Panini.
  • Special Stars (Art direction) for the “Uncino” campaign, client: Le Befane.
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download pdf Mediastars (1 first prize, 1 second prize, 3 Special Stars)
  • 1st Prize (section Indoor) for the “Big Ben” campaign, client: Twinings.
  • 2nd Prize (section Outdoor) for the “Big Ben” campaign, client: Twinings.
  • Special Stars (Art direction) for the “Big Ben” campaign, client: Twinings.
  • Special Stars (Illustration) for the “Big Ben” campaign, client: Twinings.
  • Special Stars (Art direction) for the “Essenziale” campaign, client: Centro Primavera.
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download pdf Mediastars (2 Shortlists, 3 Special Stars)
  • Short List (section Press) for the “Drink” campaign, client: Palletways.
  • Short List (section Outdoor) for the “Warhol” campaign, client: Le Cupole.
  • Special Stars (Promotion) for the “Ossigeno” campaign, client: Le Cupole.
  • Special Stars (Art direction) for the “Titanic” campaign, client: Le Befane.
  • Special Stars (Copywriting) for the “Warhol” campaign, client: Le Cupole.
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download pdf Mediastars (2 Shortlists, 3 Special Stars)
  • Short List (section Outdoor) for the “Abito” campaign, client: Puma Immobiliare.
  • Short List (section Press) for the “Tacco” campaign, client: Club del Vino Argentino.
  • Special Stars (Illustration) for the “Hitchcock” campaign, client: Mood.
  • Special Stars (Art direction) for the “Tacco” campaign, client: Club del Vino Argentino.
  • Special Stars (Art direction) for the “Abito” campaign, client: Puma Immobiliare.
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download pdf Mediastars (1 first prize, 2 Shortlists, 3 Special Stars)
  • 1st Prize (section Outdoor) for the “Gatto e Topo” campaign, clients: Alliance Française and German Cultural Institute.
  • Shortlist (section Press and Poster) for the “Orecchio” campaign, client: Cochlear Italia.
  • Shortlist (section Press) for the “Codice a barre” campaign, self-promotion Touché.
  • Special Stars (Art direction) for the “Gatos e Topo” campaign, clients: Alliance Française and German Cultural Institute.
  • Special Stars (Copywriting) for the “Codice a barre” campaign, self-promotion Touché.
  • Special Stars (Photo) for the “Gatto e Topo” campaign, clients: Alliance Française and German Cultural Institute.
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download pdf Mediastars (1 Shortlist)
  • Short List (section TV Commercials) for the “SKY Lab” campaign, client: Sky Italia.
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